Hazel Waters ✝


@Hazel Waters ✝

✝ Some infinities are bigger than others ∞ ✝ The thing with pain is that it demands to be felt ✖ ✝ I lit up like a Christmas tree,Hazel Grace ♕ ✝ Lonely ,vaguely pedophilic swing set seeks the butts of children유 ✝ I fell in love the way you fall asleep,slowly,than all at once ♥❀♥ ✝ I've gotten hot since you went blind ↣ ლ↢ ✝ It's a metaphor : you put the killing thing between your teeth,but you don't give it the power to do it's killing ═ ☁ ✞ ✝ the literal heart of Jesus ✞ ♥ ✝ Forever within the numbered days ∞ Ⅷ ∞


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