Hazel Waters ✝


@Hazel Waters ✝

✝ Some infinities are bigger than others ∞ ✝ The thing with pain is that it demands to be felt ✖ ✝ I lit up like a Christmas tree,Hazel Grace ♕ ✝ Lonely ,vaguely pedophilic swing set seeks the butts of children유 ✝ I fell in love the way you fall asleep,slowly,than all at once ♥❀♥ ✝ I've gotten hot since you went blind ↣ ლ↢ ✝ It's a metaphor : you put the killing thing between your teeth,but you don't give it the power to do it's killing ═ ☁ ✞ ✝ the literal heart of Jesus ✞ ♥ ✝ Forever within the numbered days ∞ Ⅷ ∞


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Komentarji (415)

u165577 u165577

grem jst zdej čaw čaw

u165577 u165577

haha lepo ime pa ja sm

u165577 u165577

kok je pa papagajima ime?

u165577 u165577

HAHAH tongue

u165577 u165577

ii moj sestrič ga je mel pa smo se mogl pod mizam skrivat ko ga je spustu z kletke smile_xd

u165577 u165577

a ti maš psa?

u165577 u165577

ja :3 ful je majhn pa je star že 5 let smile

u165577 u165577

lucky mešanica med pekinezerjem pa tibetanskim španijelom:3

u165577 u165577

haha psa grem lovit smile_xd

u174746 u174746

ups.. sory... sam to mi ej odprlo pri fb-ju :/

u174746 u174746

ups.. sory... sam to mi ej odprlo pri fb-ju :/

u174746 u174746

ups.. sory... sam to mi ej odprlo pri fb-ju :/

u174746 u174746

ups.. sory... sam to mi ej odprlo pri fb-ju :/