


Hej, js sm Urška! Nice to meet you smile

O meni

  • Urška
  • ženska
  • 23 let , Ljubljana
  • 12.10.2000


  • glasbaImagine Dragons
  • filmiNow you see me
  • tv serijeThe vampire diaries, Shadowhunters, The 100
  • hobijibranje, risanje, gledanje TV serij

Še več

  • barvavijolična & turkizna
  • živalipes
  • ime šoleSrednja medijska in grafična šola
  • naj prijatelj tukajℬεαcн.*
  • vzornikiMeghan Trainor

Komentarji (1633)

wish you merry christmas and a happy new year

u152046 u152046

νεƨεʟε ρяαzпıκε:

christmas is coming and it's going away,
new year is coming and it will be all over so fast...
well in the mean time i wish you to be happy,be helfti,be in love,...
tko da vesele praznike in srečno novoleto <33

ti Nataša želi...

u153549 u153549
u153549 u153549


♥❇✾ i wish you merry christmas and a happy new year ❄❃♥

♥❇✾ i wish you merry christmas and a happy new year ❄❃♥

♥❇✾ i wish you merry christmas and a happy new year ❄❃♥

♥❇✾ i wish you merry christmas and a happy new year ❄❃♥

♥❇✾ i wish you merry christmas and a happy new year ❄❃♥

u159814 u159814


u159171 u159171

Ful ti hvala < 333

u152046 u152046

tut..ka kj delaš?

u152233 u152233


u157881 u157881

hvalllciiiiiiiii + lep nejm in profil


u159814 u159814

lep profil in slikce<<<<<3333

●●gσαℓ●● te je odblokiral.

lep profil

u154174 u154174

soryyyy hihi cryingcrying